
2023 Recap

In 2023 Telik Junior School saw five graduates pass their Primary Leaving Exams taken in late 2022 – the first for Telik graduates! Several more pupils took their PLE in late 2023 and we await their results.  25 pupils were able to attend Telik through scholarships provided by our kind donors. These children would not have otherwise been able to attend school. Thank you! 
Again inflation proved to be one of the biggest obstacles. There will be an slight increase in school fees for 2024 for most grades again to accommodate rising expenses. This increase received input from and was approved by the parents and community.
As we look to next year, we will continue to offer our scholarship program and are hoping to keep at least all previous returning recipients in the program; several previous recipients will be in primary 7 this year which is the most expensive class as they take the PLE at the end of the year. We are still raising funds to replace the aging playground equipment and we need to replace the plastic chairs for our nursery classes. A larger dream of ours remains to expand the building to properly accommodate all the grades in their own classrooms. We invite you to join us in these projects by heading over to the Donate page. Thank you & Happy New Year!

2022 Recap

2022 was the year that normalized education again in Uganda after the Covid pandemic. Most pupils had not attended school in two years due to governmental school closures. But this year, pupils attended school for nearly the entire year, with just a couple week early departure from the last semester for an ebola outbreak in another part of the country.
Thanks to our generous donors, 30 children received scholarships to Telik Junior School and thus were able to receive an education that they would not otherwise had access to.
Telik also added its final grade, Primary 7, to make it a complete primary school. Final school registration was completed with the government so that the school can also be a testing facility for Primary Leaving Exams for those P7 pupils. Telik had five pupils sit for their exams this year and expect many more in the future.
The greatest challenges of the year included inflation, particularly drastically rising food costs which made providing meals at school much more expensive. There will be an increase in school fees for 2023 for most grades to accommodate this increase. This increase received input from the parents and community.
As we look towards the future, we will continue to offer our scholarship program and are hoping to increase the number of scholarships again. We would also like to replace aging playground equipment which has gone beyond repair and is no longer safe for use. A larger dream of ours is to expand the building to properly accommodate all the grades in their own classrooms. We invite you to join us in these endeavors by heading over to the Donate page. Thank you & Happy New Year!